Collage Paintings

Shambroom’s art embraces a hybrid notion of the societal whole and the individual as its own kind of whole. He leans on the structure of a visual language derived from Rauschenberg  to insert images of faces known from mass media side by side with those of people in his immediate family. Sometimes there is text given the same weight as the faces and bodies, or interpenetration of the 19th century world of portraiture and that of billboards or flashing internet imagery. Everything is on the verge of overwhelming the individual. A child on a swing is impinged on by graffiti/slogans. What one must remember in observing these paintings is that everything is hand painted. There is the 20th century lingua franca of collage but the 19th c love of paint to represent the here and now. Again we are helped by a seeing Shambroom as hermeneutically orchestrating a sort of clash/crash between two periods of time and two notions of the universe, that seem to have bifurcated irretrievably to which his work  says adamantly No. The dreamscape of people carried along in a sort of cosmic stream seems to remove a purely societal critique and opens up the possibility of a Blakean insertion into a higher spiritual realm. Shambroom’s work can only make sense if seen as issuing from a shamanic magic incantation: an attempt to resist the totalizing effect of mediated images in mass culture with the domestic play of children.

Martin Mugar from “The Art of Donald Shambroom: A Hegelian/Kantian Struggle” Berkshire Fine Arts, December 18, 2021

Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled Symbolic Drift

Symbolic Drift

2014 - 2016

Oil and enamel on linen and aluminum, mounted on wood

36 X 48 inches

Three of the collage paintings below are represented by the work-in-progress, a stage when videos animate space among painted elements. Let them play (touch triangle) for a minute to see hints of the past and future before clicking on 'VIEW PAINTING' to see the completed work.



Maeve Stays Up Too Late


Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled The The

The The

2014 - 2016

Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled Dad Loves Maeve

Dad Loves Maeve

2017 - 2018

Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled String Theory

String Theory

2014 - 2018

The World Is My Idea

2018 - 2020

Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled The Moon in My Garage

The Moon in My Garage


Oil on linen and aluminum, mounted on wood

48 x 36 inches

Donald Shambroom College Painting entitled Beyond Reason showing a child next to a disintegrating QR Code

Beyond Reason

2015 - 2023

Oil on linen

40 x 42 inches